
It’s Juneteenth, and I’ve been given the day off. As I sit outside on my new rug, enjoying my new deck sans patio furniture, I am grateful.

I get to watch Monchi and The Squirrel play hide and seek. It took a little guidance for this bright young pup to find the rascal, but now his eyes are glued. I think The Squirrel is thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to show off his mastery of agility and height, skipping from limb to net to fence and even taunting me to chase after him. No, thanks. I’ll just watch and enjoy the show.

Look up

Above the net –

A prize sits, balancing

Furry tail to bushy-tailed, which

Tail wins…?

One Comment Add yours

  1. msjadeli says:

    Cute! Squirrels can be rambunctious critters.


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