
It’s Juneteenth, and I’ve been given the day off. As I sit outside on my new rug, enjoying my new deck sans patio furniture, I am grateful. I get to watch Monchi and The Squirrel play hide and seek. It took a little guidance for this bright young pup to find the rascal, but now…


I live in an age of mass catharsis.So why can I not cathart?I know that is not a word; I have a millionResources to help me figure it out.The cursor is waiting to be moved.It is knocking at the screen, and asking meWho’s there?I dunno.I dunno, who?I dunno who will come through.Who will grab the…

Don’t blink, babies.

Stacked eyes, Wide open, look Deep into Nothingness, But bring joy to hearts of children. We buy. Just learned about Adelaide Crapsey’s cinquains, thanks to Word Craft Poetry . Not sure I have it all figured out, but I enjoyed the process. Writing poetry within a structure is like figuring out a riddle or a…

Setting boundaries

She set her boundaries wearing a tight corset and showed the men how to climb the ladder. Three things challenge: corset, tight, ladder

A Fresh Egg – Day 1

My guides asked me what I would do with a fresh egg in my hand. Not just any egg, but a fresh one; one that was placed in my care. Well, today at the time the question was received I was hungry, so I decided to break it open and fry it over easy. Today,…


Chasing that feelingOf magic and harmonyYearning all the possibilitiesHigh on love and the ocean breezeWith nobody to pleaseBut me, I am freeJust cruising the air wavesTo lighter and brighter daysSun, moon and starsLight the way homeWhere wild hearts roamBlissfully, joyfully, eternallyHere I choose to play.


I cast a line with a word in mind Into the reservoir of more words of its kind Fishing for a match, I grow eager to catch A tasty mouthful of soul food made from scratch When I feel stuck, and need a little luck I just say, what the duck, and out of the…


I cannot resist this word. It calls me to pour my soul into its hypnotic abyss. I give in to its sweet whispers. Come, my dear, let go your fears and open your heart to what is right here. I am irresistible. Irresistible. The tongue twisting, teeth chattering, and lip smacking sounds tickle my soul…


Word of the Day Challenge Truth lurks In the shadows Of those Who are exposed. Break the rules, Set yourself free, Become a traitor To your identity. Lift the bars, Reach outside the lines, Run towards the stars Away from your crimes. Walk alone, Faithfully, Into the unknown, Unashamedly.  

Phiddle: What am I?

When opposites meet Tears emerge through walls With bittersweet revelation Giving life to all. When high and low greet Like yin and yang A sensational treat appears Still and silent without a bang. ……………………………………………………… Hey gang! Do you catch my drift? If so, take a break from your shift, and drop a comment or let…

Phiddle: What am I?

  Just taking up space, Wondering Why…do I feel so empty? Round and round, I go. Hollow and cold, an open cavity. Then, you picked me up. I felt your embrace Got a taste of your pick-me-up Now waking up to your face, Wondering Why…do we need to feel full? Round and round, we go….

Lingering fingers

Word of the Day: Lingering   Above the keyboard My fingers linger bored Waiting for me to grasp the words. They fill the gap With a light tap-tap-tap As lingering fingers would. What should I say To make you stay A little longer than you should? Linger awhile. I’ll find my style. Then, type a…